Another housing estate proposed for Walloon

A DEVELOPER hopes to get the go-ahead for a 234 lot subdivision on a property at the corner of Taylor and Kamp Road, Walloon.

Late last month, the town planning agents for the estate of the late Chin Nam Tan applied to subdivide the south western corner of the 118ha vacant block which has a long road frontage to both Kamp and Taylor Roads.

The development is proposed to be undertaken in four stages and the documents lodged as part of the application to the Ipswich City Council indicate future plans for more residential development on the property.

However, the application for rezoning (material change of use) and permits is only for the subdivision of the four stages plus parkland (both linear and local parks).

It is proposed to subdivide 63 lots in Stage 1, 53 in State 2, 51 in Stage 3, and 67 in Stage 4.

According to the outline given by the town planning agents of 234 lots proposed, 178 will be Courtyard lots (300sqm to 499sqm) and 57 will be typically 450sqm except for corner lots which will be 600sqm.

The property currently falls into three zones – Future Urban, Recreation and Rural.

If the developer wins approval for the first four stages, it will mean the new zonings in the area will be Residential Low Density, Local Retail and Commercial (to make way for a future neighbourhood centre in the latter stages) and Recreation (which takes in the linear shaped parkland, including on either side of the existing waterway and a larger park on the north eastern corner of the block).

A portion of the south western corner, beyond the Stages 1 to 4 footprint, will also be set aside for a future school “subject to further discussions with the Department of Education”.

Access to the site is proposed to be along Taylor Road.

The proposed development is currently under review by Council planners.

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