ROSEWOOD’S Anzac Day commemorations on Tuesday, April 25, will begin with a dawn parade from the Rising Sun Hotel and will feature pipers from the Ipswich Pipe Band.
Also involved will be the 15th Battalion AIF Re-enactment group, the Light Horse as well as members of the Defence force, veterans and community members.
Rosewood RSL Secretary Carmel Luetchford said the Dawn Service was timed for 4.28am as this was the time the first soldiers landed on the beach at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915.
“Members of 35 Squadron from the Royal Australia Air Force Base Amberley will form the Catafalque Party and Michael McKay will play the bugle for the Last Post and Reveille,” she said.
“A Gunfire Breakfast cooked by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Rosewood will be served in the hall immediately following the Dawn Service. The entry fee will be a gold coin donation.
“The main street March will form up in John Street outside Drakes at 8.30am and will march off at 9.05am.”
A Willy’s Jeep and a World War II Austin ute will carry some veterans who are unable to walk the distance.
“Defence force personnel, local schools, community groups and emergency services will be well represented in the march and any veterans in the community are welcome to join the RSL contingent in the march which concludes at the hall,” Carmel said
“6 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force Base Amberly will perform a ‘fly over’ with an E/A-18 Growler aircraft at 9.15am coming from the south up John Street as the parade moves along the street.
“Commemorations will then proceed in the hall at the conclusion of the march. Local school students will take part in the service.
“Mrs Shirley Boughen will play the piano, wreaths will be laid by veteran groups, local schools, community groups and members of the public.”
Carmel added that a collection would be taken up for the welfare services of the Rosewood RSL Sub Branch.
In addition, Denis Russell will perform a song he wrote especially for Anzac Day. It is called Five Stars.
A morning tea will be provided by the Rosewood CWA group.
“Rosewood RSL member Brian McLucas will continue the tradition of running Two Up at the Rising Sun Hotel,” Carmel said. “This begins at 1pm.”