Friday, 20 September 2024
Community Bank 2024 grants program opens
1 min read

THE Community Bank Rosewood & District 2024 grants program is now open for applications.

Community Bank Rosewood & District not-for-profit and community organisations can apply online for a grant up to $12,000 any time between September 1 and October 2.

Apply online at if you are having a problem with the application, please call the foundation for help.

At the last Community Bank grants program in 2023, the Community Bank supported local groups with funding of $65,317.

Branch Manager Peter Groenenberg said that in almost 19 years of operation, the Community Bank Rosewood & District has returned almost $1.85 million to the local community through grants, sponsorships, donations and shareholder dividends.

Total funds distributed back into the community during the 2023 - 2024 financial year was $168,631.

“This could not be possible without the support from our loyal customers.”

A presentation evening will be held at the Rosewood State School Hall on Wednesday, November 13 starting at 6pm sharp.

A light supper will be provided. Come along and support your local organisations.

“We would love to see you there,” Peter said.