Council backs local events with small grants

FOUR local not-for-profit organisations will share in $11,300 in Ipswich City Council funding in support of community events.

“This funding helps not-for-profit organisations bring local community events to life by creating experiences that bring people together to make connections and create memories,” Mayor Teresa Harding said.

“These events are highly anticipated by the community.”

The maximum grant awarded under the community grants program is $5,000.

Local groups who received funding were:

• Community Cake received $3,943.70 for The Great Marburg Bake Off & Art Show;

• Anglican Parish of Rosewood for the Marburg Community Carols Committee received $2,997.55 for the Marburg Community Carols Evening;

• Marburg and District Residents’ Association received $2,935 for the Black Snake Creek Festival; and

• Rosewood Baptist Church received $1,418.18 for the Free Family Fun Evening.

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