Rosewood resident Arthur Wass recreates a part of Rosewood’s history.

The Rising Sun hotel with the small structure on top of the building.
Arthur Wass has rebuilt a little piece of Rosewood’s history out of recycled and new materials, as he takes a walk down memory lane.
Born and bred in Rosewood, Arthur has seen his fair share of changes in the town.
In particular, he recalls a structure that was once situated on the top of the Rising Sun Hotel and overlooked the main street.
Arthur said that he remembers the structure being there, but he cannot recall when it was removed and for what reason.
“This little structure is said to have been there so that people could observe the Cobb and Co Coach as it travelled its route through Rosewood,” he said.
“The coach, pulled by a team of horses travelled through Rosewood from the late 1800s into the early 1900s, and I could imagine that by standing inside this structure on top of the Rising Sun, you would have the perfect view.”
So Arthur decided to recreate the structure using a mixture of recycled and new materials.
“In actual time, it took me about four days to build and then a couple of days to sand and complete the final touches,” he said.
“Now complete, I plan to add it to my collection of handmade objects
“I might even visit the current owners of the Rising Sun to have a chat about my creation and its history.”
The Rising Sun Hotel was built after an earlier hotel, which was located just outside of the Rosewood township, burnt down. It was called the Sunrise Hotel.
Then in 1878, the Rising Sun Hotel burnt down, though it was immediately rebuilt one year later. It was owned by the Sloane family.
“I really enjoy researching the history of our town, as there is so much to uncover and learn, Rosewood has always been my home, and I will continue to share what I know with others who may be interested,” he said.