Saturday, 15 March 2025
Div 4 by-election on October 26
1 min read

VOTERS in Ipswich City Council’s Division 4 will be asked to vote in two separate elections when they go to the polls on Saturday, October 26.

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) wrote to council to confirm it would hold the by-election to fill the Division 4 vacancy on the same day as the State Election.

The vacancy followed the resignation due to health reasons of former councillor David Cullen.

Division 4 voters will be able to cast their vote at any of the early voting centres across the Ipswich Local Government Area and at any of the State Government election polling booths on election day.

Postal ballot will also be an option, just as it is in ordinary circumstances.

The ECQ has advised the by-election timetable will be as follows:

• Notice of Election: Friday, September 27.

• Close of Rolls: Thursday, October 3.

• Close of Nominations: Thursday, October 8.

• Last day for return of postal votes: Tuesday, November 5.

The Electoral Commissioner has provided an updated estimate of the cost of the election, to be paid by council, at $396,000.

Division 4 includes Amberley, Ashwell, Barellan Point, Blacksoil, Brassall, Churchill, Chuwar, Haigslea, Ironbark, Karalee, Karrabin, Lanefield, Marburg, Moores Pocket, Mount Marrow, Muirlea, North Ipswich, North Tivoli, Pine Mountain, Rosewood, Tallegalla, Thagoona, The Bluff, Tivoli, Walloon, Woolshed, Wulkuraka (north of the railway line) and Yamanto.