Children interact with the educational display.

Taking a look at the Jaws of Life.

Lieutenant Ben Abraham and Fire Fighter Tim Bennett give a live kitchen fire demonstration.

Fire Fighter Tim Bennett covers the fire with a fire blanket.

Fire breaks out as a result of hot oil in pan on the stove top reaching high temperatures.

Fire Fighter Tim Bennett puts water on the fire, and explains this is what not to do.

Lilly and Emmy say hello to Blazer.
MEMBERS of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services opened the doors of the Rosewood Fire Station to share fire safety, live demonstrations and tours with the community last Saturday.
The open day was a chance for people to speak to current serving firefighters at the Rosewood station, to ask questions and to also find out about the important role that the emergency service workers provide in the community.
On display was the fire truck where people had the opportunity to handle some of the equipment and gear that the fire fighters use in their everyday role.
Pamphlets and interactive activities for the children were also provided and members of the Rosewood station interacted with each child to teach them some important safety tips.
As part of the education morning, a live kitchen fire demonstration was conducted by Lieutenant Ben Abraham and Fire Fighter Tim Bennett.
Lieutenant Abraham said the demonstration was to show their audience what to do and what not to do in the circumstance of a fire break out, due to hot oil in the pan on a stove top in their home.
“When at home and cooking in your kitchen many things can happen, including when oil in a pan on the stove top can reach up to 400 degrees therefore an outbreak of fire will occur,” he said. “Many people in this situation automatically reach for water, which makes the situation extremely dangerous. A fire blanket is what you must use and every family should have one in their kitchen in a familiar place known to all family members just in case this may happen.
“If a fire does break out, turn off the gas or power supply, call ‘000’ and if you have a fire blanket then use it to control the fire until emergency services arrive.”
The morning concluded with families taking important safety tips home and the Rosewood fire team thanked everyone for taking the time to visit their station.