Friday, 7 March 2025
Graduates from Rosewood State High School for 2022
1 min read

SPECIAL songs and videos were played to take the Rosewood State School graduating students for 2022 for a trip down memory lane as they walked out of the school gates for the very last time.

Throughout a special ceremony that was held in the school hall students reflected on their individual schooling journeys, tears were shed amongst many laughs that were shared together.

As each student was welcomed to the stage in front of their families, the school community and their fellow peers, school principal Nicole Sherlock presented them with a graduation stole in which they wore proudly around their neck.

Principal Nicole Sherlock said Graduation Day is one of the most important days on the high school calendar and a special time to congratulate all of the young adults who are graduating from the school.

“Throughout the graduate’s senior years, they were faced with challenges such as a worldwide pandemic being Covid-19 and through this, many lessons were learnt as each student adapted to many changes,” she said.

“Throughout all of this each student demonstrated strength, resilience and supported each other through never giving up, myself and the staff are truly proud.

“Graduating is a celebration not only for the students but also for their families, careers and parents who have supported them through every step of their schooling journey.

“From the first day of Prep until the last day of high school, the student’s loved ones have taken the photos, attended the parent teacher interviews, sporting days and have recorded all of the memories along the way.

“Today was a very proud moment for the school staff, the families, the carers and the parents as we watch our school leaders go through this milestone of high school, congratulations to everyone.”