Saturday, 29 March 2025
Graduation ceremony at St Brigid’s
1 min read

ON NOVEMBER 29, the St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School community celebrated the graduation of the Year 6 students.

The students reflected on their school years at a mass that was held in the parish hall, where Father Minje shared prayers with the students their families.

To conclude the mass, Year 6 teacher Nathan Earley led the students down memory lane through a presentation consisting of photographs from Prep through to year 6.

Everyone was then welcomed in the school hall to enjoy a dinner and drinks, before students then took to a photo booth to pose with their peers.

Year 6 School Captain Harrison Reynolds and Year 6 Vice-Captain Jorja Wilson-Lange delivered a speech and spoke about highlights of the year, while thanking their teachers and fellow students at St Brigid’s.

Harrison said he has experienced many highlights throughout the year including the school camp and sports days with his friends.

“At the Year 6 camp I challenged myself through participating in activities that I had not experienced before while building better connections with my peers,” he said.

“Sports carnivals were also a highlight and were fun, thank you so much to all of the teachers, to school Principal Mrs Curtis and to my fellow peers.”

Jorja added that she will remember her primary school years for the rest of her life, describing them as the best memories made with her friends.

“Even though high school next year is a little scary, it will be a lot of fun to explore new opportunities, and to experience a different path,” she said.

“I wish all of my year 6 peers all the best, as I know that whatever they aim to do in life, they will succeed.”

The students also delivered a handwritten letter to their families, which contained messages of gratitude for always being there for them, and for always supporting them throughout their primary school years.

Each student was then awarded with a certificate of completion, as tears were shed, stories were told and laughter was shared throughout the night.

On December 1, the Year 6 students attended the final school parade before they were congratulated and farewelled through an honour guard by the school community.