THE Ipswich City Council is investigating the re-establishment of waste management facilities in Lanefield.
Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said there were no works underway at the closed Lanefield landfill site.
“In 2021, Council received funding under the SEQ Community Stimulus Program for the upgrade of its two refuse and recycling centres at Rosewood and Riverview,” she said.
“As part of these upgrades, council is looking at opportunities to enhance the facilities to meet ongoing population growth and community demands for improved waste management and recycling.
Council has engaged external consultants to investigate options.
“They will conduct feasibility assessments and develop a concept design for a modern facility that can assist council and the community to improve resource recovery for purpose facilities that support a growing population into the future,” Cr Kate Kunzelmann said.
Cr Russell Milligan said council had yet to decide on the future use of the property at Lanefield or what the upgrade to a Rosewood facility would be.
“The community will be engaged and consulted on any future facility designs once further feasibility and assessments are completed,” he said.