The proposed subdivision and the internal road accessed off Edward Street are shown in this overhead photograph as an overlay of white lines.
A PROPOSED 60 lot housing estate on the western side of Rosewood’s existing residential area is currently being assessed by the Ipswich City town planners.
According to the application lodged by JJOJ Development and Civil, the subdivision has been the subject of pre-lodgement meetings with the Council planners since July 2017, with the most recent meeting taking place in November 2023.
There are three properties involved in the application – 45 Railway Street, 15 Edward Street and 32 William Street – covering a total area of 20.6 hectares. However, the proposed 60 allotments would each be around 800sqm, leaving a large remaining allotment (Lot 61), which would take in the existing home at 45 Railway Street, stand of native vegetation and would remain as a grazing land.
All except two of the proposed new allotments would gain access to the estate via Edward Street. The two exceptions would be accessed via William Street and the access to the existing dwelling would continue to be via Railway Street.
According to the documents lodged by JJOJ Development and Civil’s town planning agents, the housing estate will be located in a flood free portion of the property.
“The development will require earthworks to provide a flood free developable area that does not diminish flood storage capacity nor worsen flood and stormwater impacts on up or downstream properties,” it was noted.
“This will involve filling part of the site using material from Lot 61, re-directing the gully which comes from a man-made structure [the culverts in the north east corner of the site and providing a bio-detention basin]. The discharge from the basin has been designed so as not to impede or impact on the mapped waterways on the western part of Lot 61.”