Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Major commercial development proposed for Thagoona
1 min read

A SHOPPING centre style development has been proposed for Thagoona.

A development application was lodged with the Ipswich City Council last month for a five hectare portion of a 15 hectare property at the corner of Karrabin Rosewood Road and Thagoona Haigslea Road.

The developer, Queensland Residential Estates Pty Ltd is proposing to undertake the commercial side of the development in five stages.

It includes a supermarket, a medical centre, a tavern, fuel station, a plaza, a fast food outlet and parking spaces and an array of shops and more than 540 vehicle parking bays.

In a town planning report submitted by the developer, it was noted that: ‘The proposed development, known as the Thagoona Major Neighbourhood Centre, will provide a range of economic and social benefits including improved amenity and convenience and therefore result in a net community benefit’.

As the development is considered impact assessible, the developer will be obliged to advertise an outline of the proposal and call for public submissions.