Marburg missing from bus route timetable

MATT Bone lives in Marburg and has two cars, one for driving and the other as back up.

He said he’s luckier than most to have options because there’s no public transport in Marburg.

Matt has lived in Marburg for 10 years, the 44-year-old works in the computer industry.

“Marburg is an older town and we have an aging population, the only buses that come this way are school buses,” he said.

“I am pretty sure some people who are not school children have been able to use them, but it’s not an advertised feature.

“The other alternative would be for Murrays Coaches to stop in Marburg, they do a Brisbane service multiple times a day but as a private transport service only.”

He said Marburg had limited public transport options, if any.

“It’s been that way since the rail line was closed, that was fine when people were a lot younger but I live and work here and have to drive anywhere I want to go,” he said.

The Queensland Government recently brought in 50c flat rate fares across all zones and modes on the Translink network.

Matt’s gripe is Marburg residents won’t benefit from it because the town is bypassed.

“It would be good to have a service coming into Marburg, even just as an extension to meet up with the rail service in Rosewood so people can get into Ipswich [CBD].”

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