Tuesday, 29 October 2024
New Flag Stand for Rosewood RSL Sub Branch
1 min read

WHEN the Rosewood RSL Sub Branch went looking for someone to build a new flag stand for their use, they immediately approached the Rosewood Men’s Workshop for help.

The Workshop members were very keen to take on the commission and the resulting structure is a testament to their skills and commitment to excellence.

The Flag Stand is a timber construction utilising four Queensland timbers – Silky Oak, Queensland Blue Gum, White Cypress and Hoop Pine - which were used to form the flag poles and finials, the base and the three uprights.

Designer and builder of the main structure was Bob Hannah who is a great advocate of using Queensland timbers and has admitted he has more than 200 Queensland timbers in his collection.

Bob said he was excited about designing the structure to ensure the angles of the holders were correct to allow the lateral flags to hang properly.

He said he was very pleased with the finished product but also gave praise to the other Workshop members who assisted in the construction.

Trevor Halter crafted the finials on his lathe and also sanded, polished and lacquered the finished product.

Gordon Minett described himself as the jack-of-all-trades in the trio but certainly contributed handsomely to the finished product.

The RSL Sub Branch displayed the Flag Stand at their Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Service and it will be on display again at the forthcoming Remembrance Day Service.

Rosewood RSL Sub Branch President, Colin Plenty, congratulated the Men’s Workshop members on the quality of the presentation of the Flag Stand and said this was a great example of local community groups supporting each other to achieve their outcomes.