Thursday, 30 January 2025
Rosewood Police: New station, new faces and a community consultation
2 min read

There’re two new faces at the Rosewood Police Station.

When Station numbers were upgraded recently, two permanent officers joined the staff taking the station strength to seven officers and one administration officer.

Officer in Charge, Sgt Travis Ehrich said four Senior Constables, two Constables and one civilian Administration Officer were routinely rostered on alongside him at the station for up to 18 hours a day to ensure incidents within the Rosewood Division were attended to.

“Outside of these roster times, police from surrounding stations provide coverage to the area and they regularly attend to incidents within the Rosewood Division,” he said.

The Division stretches from Rosevale to Marburg and Walloon to Grandchester.

“It is recognised as one of the fastest growing divisions in Queensland, with population forecasts of approximately seven percent annually which far exceeds the national average,” Sgt Ehrich said.

“Our division is diverse and is growing rapidly, this brings with it, big city challenges of youth crime, drugs, domestic violence and property crime.

“Currently the main challenges we face as a community is the scourge of domestic and family violence, road trauma and youth disengagement crime.

“During the 2021 - 2022 financial year, police attended to more than 250 incidents involving domestic and family violence.

“Currently police assist survivors of this abuse on a daily basis.”

As well as policing, Rosewood police regularly attend community events and school functions to provide guest speaking presentations and to run educational programs.

“Rosewood police recently visited Rosewood State High School and participated in the cross-country event racing against the students in an effort to build rapport and trust with the students,” he said.

“Police also attended Walloon State Schools Under 8’s day and gave the children a tour of the police vehicle and equipment.”

And Sgt Ehrich believes: “Rosewood is still and will always be a community that is largely made up of fantastic, kind hearted people who all enjoy the semi-rural lifestyle.

“Police share these values and we will fight hard to retain this character.

“My message to families in the community is that police cannot solve problems that may be occurring without your help, and we welcome collaboration and information that will lead to perpetrators being held accountable and victims being heard and helped.”

The new Police Station brings with it a community opportunity.

“Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Mark Ryan is requesting a community consultation to discuss the design stage of the station,” Sgt Ehrich said.

“Rosewood Police will be hosting this consultation during mid to late August, in Rosewood to allow interested members of the community to attend and express their views.”