Friday, 20 September 2024
Rosewood QCWA centenary legacy
2 min read

QUEENSLAND Governor, Sir Matthew Nathan, suggested that the local ladies should form a branch of the Country Women’s Association and join the network of branches that were forming all across the State.

He was performing the official opening of the Rosewood Show on Friday, July 25, 1924, when he made the recommendation about the value of the Country Women’s Association, which was officially formed two years earlier.

The local ladies took notice.

On Thursday afternoon, August 7, the wife of former Rosewood Member of the Legislative Assembly, Jessie Stevens, convened a meeting of local ladies. It was, according to a report in the Brisbane Courier newspaper, well attended.

A branch was formed that afternoon and Mrs Stevens was elected president and editor of the local newspaper editor, Jeannie Pender, was elected secretary. Ms Pender would later become one of the staunchest advocates of the QCWA in the State.

In October that year, the Rosewood branch would announce it had secured the lease of ‘rooms’ in the main street of the town for use by women as a ‘rest room’ while in Rosewood.

While the significant history of the Rosewood branch of the QCWA is greatly valued by its current members, they chose to ‘look outward’ at their centenary anniversary luncheon at the Rising Sun Hotel, last Wednesday (August 7).

“Our president, Gaylene Stack, presented Certificates of Appreciation to people and organisations who had supported us in recent years – it was our way of showing our appreciation,” reported Branch secretary, Sandra Law.

Those receiving certificates included Member for Ipswich West, Darren Zanow; Ipswich councillor, Jim Madden; and organisations such as the Rosewood RSL, the Rosewood Community Centre and the Rosewood Lions Club.

“Unfortunately, due to his car accident, David Pahlke, was unable to receive his certificate in person,” Mrs Law said.

“Cr Dave Cullen also sent his apologies as he was unwell.”

Mrs Law remarked that ‘support’ from the guests continued on the day of the luncheon with Mr Zanow and Cr Madden donating hampers for the raffle and members of the Glamorgan Vale branch of the QCWA making, icing and donating the centenary cake.

Another special guest was the QCWA Southern region State Vice President, Sue Baillie, who presented a 25 year badge to the branch’s longest serving member, Janelle Cole.

“Donna Hanlon from the Community Centre was our MC and branches from the West Moreton division of the QCWA were well represented among the guests,” Mrs Law said.

And much of the time during the luncheon was spent in enjoying the fellowship.

“It was just a lovely, lovely day of getting together and enjoying the company of friends.”