Friday, 7 March 2025
Rosewood State High School Captains attend conference
1 min read

ROSEWOOD State High School Captains recently attended the Ipswich Inter-School Captain’s Conference at the Bundamba State Secondary College.

Kaneesha Fulton, Lara Munday, Ethan Ingledew and Levi Hartigan represented Rosewood High at the event which was aimed at providing the school leaders with opportunities to interact with and learn from community leaders.

Throughout the conference the students were provided with opportunities to network and problem solve while they discussed their ideas and experiences and talked about personal highlights of this year in their role as Captains.

Federal Member for Blair Shayne Neumann delivered a presentation at the conference, and explained his journey to becoming a Member for Parliament.

“[It} was a fantastic event filled with inspiring conversations and positive energy, that provided the captains with an amazing opportunity,” he said.

“I was grateful for the opportunity to hear from the captains.

“I engaged with the Rosewood captains and I have to congratulate them for their ideas, passion and commitment.”

To conclude the conference each captain gave a five minute presentation on how their school’s student leadership team operates, their highlights, challenges, triumphs and learning experiences as captains in 2023.