Students grow their own produce at school

NEW buds are in bloom and vegetables are being picked by the students at Rosewood State School from their new gardens in the schoolgrounds.

Principal Georgia O’Shea said the latest students to enjoy the progress in the gardens are the Prep students who have spent time watering and enjoying the fresh produce

“We purchased the gardens last year and have had immediate success with growing the plants and vegetables,” she said.

“All our students absolutely love them and often they take their parents over to the garden beds to share the beauty of the flowers and produce with them.

“The produce that we have grown has been wonderful and the cucumbers that were recently picked were really tasty.

“So far we have had great results with cucumbers, tomatoes, spring onions, corn, lemons, strawberries, lavender and marigolds.

“The marigolds and lavender have been planted to attract the bees for pollination and other good insects to the garden.”

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