Wednesday, 26 March 2025
‘Super wow’ new playground planned for Rosewood kindy
2 min read

WHEN new families visit the Rosewood kindy for the first time, there is always that ‘wow’ moment when they see the playground …

That ‘wow’ is going to be a ‘super wow’ this year when the concept, design and construction phases are completed on a new nature playground.

Last week, the Rosewood & District Kindergarten and Preschool Association learned that an application for $35,000 to the Gambling Community Benefit Fund to develop the new playground was on the winner’s list.

The grant will be added to with money raised by the Association at an array of fundraising activities.

“There’s a lot of people to thank in making all this happen,” says Debbie Brown, who is Co-Director of the kindy and preschool with Linda Beale.

“Past parent, Skye Turner continues to support us through writing grant submissions … and past families who helped us raise the funds … and of course, the Queensland Government for the current grant.”

So, now to the background of what led to the decision to apply for funds to turn the ‘wow’ playground into a ‘super wow’ playground.

“Our playground was last updated in the last 1990s with several improvements made since then,” explains Debbie.

But the impact of several flooding episodes in the last decade has resulted in some damage to the playground equipment. And there’s been general wear and tear simply from usage of the popular equipment.

“Our large playground is a well-loved area for the children to discover and explore the many different areas,” Debbie continues.

“And as teachers we recognise the environment as a powerful resource to use to support the learning of young children.

“When new families visit the kindy for the first time there is always that ‘ahhh’ moment when they see the playground for the first time and many comment that they remember playing here when they attended the kindy themselves or that it reminds them of their own childhood playing outside and that this is the type of environment they want their own children to play in.”

The new nature playground is still in the design and concept stage.

“Through collaboration with our kindy children, families, educators and playground consultants, we will be planning an inclusive playground design to suit the needs of all children,” Debbie says.

“Our current playground has a metal bridge structure that was an original piece of equipment from the 1960s and 1970s.

“We have been encouraged by our playground consultants to include this ‘unique’ structure in our new plan.

“The plan is to move forward over the next few months in readiness for possible construction over the school holiday period later in the year.”