Saturday, 29 March 2025
Take a closer look and get ready for Bird Count week
1 min read

NO matter where you are in South East Queensland, birds are part of your world.

Sometimes we notice them yet often they are “just there” –a part of the background, welcome but largely unnoticed.

However, for 20 minutes during one week each year, Birdlife Australia, wants you to take close notice.

Bird Count week has been underway since 2014 and is hosted by the nation’s largest bird conservation organisation.

And all you have to do is stand or sit without moving for 20 minutes in your backyard or wherever it suits and take note of every bird you see.

You will need to count the number of each species you spot within this time, for example you may see four Australian Magpies, two Rainbow Lorikeets and a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo.

And if you can identify birds by their calls, also include these in your counts as long as you are certain of their identity.

If you’d like to be involved then all you have to do is go online and register for the Aussie Bird Count. Then when you have the numbers and names from your 20 minute bird watch, log in and enter your tally.

As an aid to your count, the Aussie Bird Count app has a handy field-guide to help you identify birds.

Data from the count is vetted by expert ornithologists.

And the time you spend will help Birdlife Australia compile a snapshot of birdlife in your area at the same time every year and the trend in the ‘health’ of the local bird communities.

The 2022 Aussie Bird Count will be held from October 17 to 23.