The Year 6 students from Marburg State School.

The Year 6 students from Ashwell State School.

Mount Marrow State School Year 6 students.

The Year 6 students from Rosewood State School.

The Year 6 students from Rosewood State School.

St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School Year 6 students.
YEAR 6 students from St Brigid’s, Rosewood, Ashwell, Mount Marrow and Marburg Primary Schools have stepped up to take on leadership roles as they prepare for their final year before secondary school.
The students began their education journey in Prep in 2017 and have achieved milestones in the classroom, on the sporting ground and through events in the community.
In the coming weeks each school will be hosting a presentation ceremony where the captains and sporting captains and each student will receive a senior school shirt and a special name badge.