The current committee serving the Ladies Midweek Tennis Association in a milestone year: President Marilyn Brown, treasurer Joan Sitcheff, secretary Karen McKew and committee members Julie Lee, Myrtle Hunt, Lyn Stanford and Sharon Conway. Photo: DAVID LEMS
LONG-serving Ladies Midweek Tennis Association supporter Coral Dutney typifies the Ipswich group’s motto that has served the players incredibly well for six decades.
Wise former player and secretary Del Rawlings once said: “We do not stop playing tennis because we are old. We grow old because we stop playing”.
The positive approach to tennis, friendship and fitness was on display at the association’s 60th anniversary function at the Ipswich Events Centre last week.
Coral, Julie Lee and Pat Anderson are three of the association’s most loyal players, having devoted more than 50 years each to midweek tennis.
Coral, a spritely 85, has been part of the midweek competition for 53 years, only having one season off.
“When I first started, I lived in Harrisville and we brought teams down,” she said.
Now living at Coalfalls, Coral still enjoys spending time playing with other women and socialising.
Coral was a part of the Sapphires team that finished runners-up to Bluebells in the recent final.
Ipswich Ladies Midweek Tennis Association president Marilyn Brown and long-serving player Coral Dutney at the 60th anniversary luncheon. Photo: DAVID LEMS
The association’s first Christmas luncheon many years ago was held under the fig tree at the Chermside Road courts.
The latest luncheon and awards presentation at the Ipswich Showgrounds venue marked the significant milestone, enjoyed by 48 players, officials and supporters.
“There’s a lot of tradition,” association president Marilyn Brown said, delighted to share in the 60th anniversary.
“The main thing I get out of it is friendships, enjoyment and camaraderie and play tennis every week.
“And when you have an 85-year-old [like Coral] playing tennis, it must keep you fit.”
Current committee member Julie started her official duties in 1986 before her latest stint supporting the association.
She enjoyed playing from a young age.
“I like the game and all of the ladies over the years,” Julie said.
Julie Lee (left) and Coral Dutney have given more than 50 years service. Photo: DAVID LEMS
Other officials joining Julie and Marilyn are treasurer Joan Sitcheff, secretary Karen McKew and committee members Myrtle Hunt, Lyn Stanford and Sharon Conway.
Marilyn, involved with midweek tennis for 30 years, provided a snapshot of how the association was formed.
On January 17, 1964, local social tennis addict Lu Little saw the need in Ipswich for a Ladies competition that she thought might give a social flavour to fixture tennis.
Lu called a meeting at the Trades Hall for those interested. It was at this meeting the first Ladies Midweek committee was formed.
The officers elected were president Lu, secretary Olga McGrath, assistant secretary Audrey Brennan, treasurer Ailsa Reis and committee members Erin Manson and Dorothy Wake.
It was moved at this meeting that each player should play a fee of two shillings each week to play.
Early Ipswich players who helped create six decades of midweek ladies tennis.
Ladies Midweek Social fixtures began in the winter of 1964 with eight A Grade teams and seven B Grade sides.
Marilyn said having the association survive for 60 years was a credit to all involved.
“The number of players has dwindled over the years but play happens each week at the Alder Tennis Centre for the yearly season from March to November,” Marilyn said.
“There have been up to three generations of players on the court for the season and this year we have had two ladies playing alongside their daughters.”
The Mossop family once had a mother, daughter and granddaughter playing together.
After a milestone season, new players are welcome to join next year’s fixtures.
A trial hit-up for grading purposes is planned at the Alder centre at Leichhardt in mid-February.