Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Thanks Ipswich sports community for great support
2 min read


AS we head into the Christmas break, it’s timely to thank all the dedicated people who make Ipswich sport great.

It’s been a delight sharing your sporting successes and challenges in the award-winning Ipswich Tribune newspaper and on our comprehensive online service www.ipswichtribune.com.au

Prodigious Ipswich talent has again excelled on the world stage as highlighted through the recent City of Ipswich Sports Awards.

Ipswich-bred achievers like tennis ace Archie Graham and International Hockey Umpire of the Year Steve Rogers typify the commitment needed to excel.

Up and coming stars like Ipswich Grammar School speedster Gout Gout provide incredible excitement for the future.

Preparing for my 40th year covering Ipswich regional sport, I gain most satisfaction working with people who have grown up in Ipswich and who have served their respective sports with professionalism and pride.

There are too many valuable contributors to name everyone here. However, some deserve special recognition for what they do for regional sport.

Ipswich and District Athletic Club president and coach Vic Pascoe is top of the proverbial tree when it comes to sharing success.

Ipswich cricket stalwart and historian Wayne Jones remains one of the most dependable people in offering assistance.

The Ipswich State High School Rugby League Academy team, featuring Josh Bretherton, Jono Dore and Shane Harris, is exceptional.

“Mr Versatile” Chris Riches was first class as the former Ipswich Force NBL1 North head coach who created state league history. He has also played a vital role communicating Ipswich State High’s rugby league achievements.

Nothing is ever too much trouble for Ipswich Hockey’s loyal couple Margret and Paul Mantell, who continue to serve with a welcoming smile.

Ever-helpful Andy Ogden has been a long-time football steward, stepping aside as Ipswich Knights head coach next year.

Community-minded Pat Boyle dedicated more than a decade to building Western Pride FC before this year’s historic merger with the Ipswich City Bulls to become Ipswich FC.

Ipswich Basketball Association president and former international referee Toni Caldwell is driving a wonderful vision for a much-needed new stadium for the city.

David Nugent and Richard Hughes are building strong associations as rugby league chiefs.

One of the most enjoyable parts of my job is sharing important milestones – like recently catching up with Swifts life member Harry Griffiths about to celebrate his 100th birthday.

Groups like the Midweek Ladies Tennis Association, who recently celebrated their 60th anniversary, are also the lifeblood of Ipswich and should be recognized for their achievements – as we do in the Tribune.

Look out for more fantastic sport when the Tribune returns on January 15.