Tuesday, 25 February 2025
60 year reunion for Rosewood High students
1 min read

FORMER Rosewood High students reminisced at their 60-year reunion in Ipswich, recently.

Past Pupils Bruce Hogan, Russell Boland, Lynne Baills, Helen Clark, Daphne Wright, Margaret Brown, Fay Lee, Kay Trevis (nee Boughen), Barbara Waters, Lorraine Hinton, Jackie Caldwell, Norm Kerle and Mary Schmidt were joined by teacher Val Burton.

Secondary education was established in Rosewood in January 1962.

Past pupil Kay Trevis said that a parade would start the school day, before students would walk across the railway line to the secondary school building.

“The boy’s science studies and the girl’s typing were conducted all in one large room, one wonders how the boys could hear their teacher above the clatter of the typewriters,” she said.

“We all enjoyed getting together at our reunion to reminisce on our days in the school yard and in the classrooms and many stories were told.

“Catching up with everyone was very special and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

“I would like to give a big thank you to Fay Lee for organising the event, that has now been going for 10 years.”