Friday, 28 March 2025
Colourful display of tea cosies and aprons
1 min read

COLOURFUL and creative handmade tea cosies and aprons crafted by ladies from the Rosewood Country Women’s Association were displayed as a celebration of 100 years of the CWA in Queensland.

The event was held on October 14 and 15, and 100 tea cosies were made as well as other handmade crafts to celebrate the organisation’s century.

Rosewood CWA member Nelly Haly said the members also held a street stall on the footpath at the front of the CWA hall where plants and homemade goodies were available to purchase.

“The weekend was busy with many families joining us for Devonshire tea, and a tour around the display.

“It was a huge success and we raised over $300.

“This was a fundraiser for our branch so that we can continue to support our current CWA members and so we can welcome new members to join us for friendship and to share like-minded interests and hobbies.”

Currently the Rosewood Branch is two years away from celebrating its own centenary.